Good times are almost here! HARMAN, which was purchased by Samsung last year for $8 billion, has officially confirmed that it is joining WiSA, the Wireless Speaker and Audio Association.
This is a group that is working to advance and standardize the use of high-resolution, multi-channel wireless technology in the home theater environment. HARMON, meanwhile, owns a number of high-profile home theater brands including JBL, Revel, Lexicon, and Harman/Kardon.
It has joined over 30 other WiSA members brands, including the likes of Polk, Definitive, Pioneer, Klipsch, Onkyo, Anthem, MartinLogan, and Bang and Olufsen.
Lou Schreurs, Vice President and General Manager of BU Connected Home at HARMAN:
“With the growing abundance of multi-channel audio systems in the home, we have the opportunity to dramatically improve the level of entertainment through the creation of powerful home theater experiences with the added benefit of wireless audio. Joining WiSA is an important step, and we are excited to work as partners to make the wireless audio environment more convenient and desirable to consumers than ever before.”
WiSA is hard at work improving the home theater experience by standardizing and promoting quality wireless audio, and help in the creation of powerful and reliable audio systems.
Certified product offerings from WiSA can help HARMAN deliver a positive impact to the home theater industry, at a time when surround sound and home audio systems are increasingly being built with technical sophistication and richer quality.